Friday 12 September 2014

Unblocking the blockages to Prosperity

Prosperity every human being's need if not desire...and why not if you are prosperous you can help others more and also donate to charities you desire...and most important take better care of yourself and your family.

Once a friend of mine told me "I am saying prosperity prayers and affirmations regularly however nothing is helping. .why"..I asked her "Are you respecting money?"..she said "ofcourse I am I  spend money carefully"..I replied"Respecting money also means

1)Returning money that you have borrowed
2)If someone has bought your product and services worth rs X then ensure that they get value of x+1
It means not just recieving but also giving with balance.
Coz when you fail to do the above the law of Karma starts its process.
So respect money have a balance in giving and recieving.

It definitely helped my friend.
Lots of Angelic love and Abundance
Sheetal Mhatre

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