Sunday 26 October 2014

Soulmate doesn't make you suffer

Love urself   first i see many young   and wonderful   men and women   in relationships   where they give   and give only to be with someone   who doesn't   reciprocate actively ...when this loving beings are counseled they say "i cant leave her or him ...he or   she is my soulmate"
well as one of my friends   say ...people   who don't   participate in a relationship   equally are emotional   and   money vampires . ..they will use you and throw you.They are   anything  but soulmates
So stand up for yourself   dont let someone   take advantage  of  your kindness . ..there is someone out there who will value you and the love you   give

Lots  of  Angelic  love  and  Abundance 
Sheetal  Mhatre  .

Saturday 11 October 2014

Affirmation for gratitude

Just for today be grateful for everything and experience the shift

Bowing to the Morning Sun

Bowing to the Morning Sun

I had some weeks back seen a beautiful dream in which the Sun is rising and Lord Shiva is praying to the Sun and in the background Om Namha Shiva was playing. I woke up with an amazing feeling of tranquillity. 

I knew there was some message in the dream that Lord Shiva despite of being God was praying to the Sun.I wondered the reason behind this and then I got my answer

Seeing the rising Sun opens up all the chakras which are energy your logical mind drifting away then let me give an example
If an individual is kept in the darkness and given enough food water will he get depressed? quite likely ...
We are nothing but energy when we look at the morning Sun..the energy enters through our eyes and opens our chakras making us feel peaceful... .that is the reason in surya namaskar is highly recommended since ages in India..
P.S Chakras are energy wheels in our body.

Lots of Angelic love and Abundance
Sheetal Mhatre
Certified Angel Therapist

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Are you welcoming new opportunities

We all are looking for new beginnings in our career , love life , shifting into a new home etc.
But is our thought process inviting enough for this new begining.
Let me give an example you want a  guest to come over at your place so suppose if you start believing and behaving in the following manner ...
Oh I don't deserve this guest.
Let me not call them I will mess up
I dont have the resources to welcome them.
I dont have time to welcome them.

what are the chances of these guest coming. .and even if they come what are the chances of them feeling good after they come.

Opportunities are like guests we need to prepare for them with a positive mindset.

However somewhere our own beliefs stops us or delays this opportunities

So here's an affirmation that will help to invite new opportunities in our life.

Lots of Angelic love and Abundance
Sheetal Mhatre

Monday 6 October 2014

Prayer for following inner guidance

Our inner voice constantly provides guidance as to what steps should we take to make our life better however we tend to doubt whether this guidance is coming from our ego or our inner voice..
Even if we convince ourselves that it is from our innervoice ww wonder how should we go about to resolve this here is a prayer that you can say or write

P.s...Inner voice is always loving and the guidance given is for the highest good.

Lots of Angelic love and Abundance
Sheetal Mhatre

Manifestation of Happy Romantic Relationship with the help of Angels

Dear all

I was constantly guided to take a workshop on
Manifestation of Happy Romantic Relationship with the help of Angels and am happy to announce this workshop on 18 October

This workshop will provide tools for

Self love

Releasing blockages & Karma Releasing

Manifestation tools based on law of attraction,visualisation,  gratitude to  experience happy successful and loving relationship.

Angel Meditations and prayers

Romance Angel card reading for self and various love spreads.

A beautiful crystal love kit💖 worth Rs 3500 along with Romance Angel Meditations audio and Karma releasing audio will be provided.

Energy Exchange INR 5555 (inclusive of crystal love kit, angel meditation, angel prayers and lunch)

Last date of registration 12 October.

This workshop is meant for singles only.This workshop will guide in manifestation of happy successful and loving relationship and not a particular individual

Contact 9820533750 for registration

Lots of Angelic love and Abundance
Sheetal Mhatre
Certified Angel Therapist from Doreen Virtue

Sunday 5 October 2014

Falling while dreaming

Dream is a state where messages are transferred from your subconscious to conscious mind

Have u woken up with a jolt while sleeping as if you were falling ?...many of us have...when that happens our higher self and divine stop us fron falling into lower realms of night mare that is not beneficial to us.
So next time you wake up with a jolt as if you are falling thank your Divine and angels for protecting you.

Happy Dreaming

Lots of Angelic love and Abundance
Sheetal Mhatre

Saturday 4 October 2014

Prayer for Increasing faith in divine

Prayer for Increasing faith in divine

Dear God Goddess Archangel Chamuel and my guardian angels please help me to strengthen my faith in the divine.

Archangel Jophiel beautify my thoughts when am feeling low.

Archangel Uriel with your Divine light brighten my faith in the divine.

Archangel Michael cut all the cords of negativity lower energies and psychic attacks that are draining my faith in the divine.
Archangel Azrael counsel away any grief that is obstructing me for believing in divine

Archangel Chamuel please help me to recieve and give love to  the divine unconditionally.

Dear almighty thank you for helping me to experience divine miracles now and forever

This or better
Thank you Thank you Thank you

Lots of Angelic love and Abundance
Sheetal Mhatre

Angelic Miracles

Want to experience angelic miracles then say this Affirmation regularly

I am experiencing beautiful angelic miracles today.

Many of my friends havd witnessed amazing angelic experiences like smelling roses seeing yellow butterflies

Lots of Angelic love and Abundance
Sheetal Mhatre

Friday 3 October 2014

Message for the week

Message for the week from Doreen Virtue Archangel oracle cards

I asked God and Angels to give a message for every one

The message is God has blessed us with the power of Manifestation however we forget this power and dont use it to manifest blessings in our life..The universe and God can help us only if we give them a request of what we want by asking and then visualising. .
So this week take back your power and ask for what you want..
Eg If you want a particular job in a particular company then ask yourself what is that you really want it is the job or the expectation of being happy in a well paid job...
So instead of asking the universe I want this job (never use want coz Universe will give u want) ...ask I am ready to be happy at my place of work  so that I and my family can enjoy the benefits of my employment pls help me...
This will give the Universe a broader scope to work with and the results will be faster...
So take back your power..Manifest miracles
Lots of Angelic love and Abundance
Sheetal Mhatre

Thursday 2 October 2014

Guidance through your dreams

Dreams have answers to many of our questions so what if we ask for guidance through our dreams...can angels help...ofcourse they can...
Whatever obstacles you are facing just ask God and Angels to give u guidance through your dreams.
Here is a prayer that you can write down on a piece of paper and keep below your pillow

Lots of Angelic love and Abundance
Sheetal Mhatre