Saturday, 11 October 2014

Bowing to the Morning Sun

Bowing to the Morning Sun

I had some weeks back seen a beautiful dream in which the Sun is rising and Lord Shiva is praying to the Sun and in the background Om Namha Shiva was playing. I woke up with an amazing feeling of tranquillity. 

I knew there was some message in the dream that Lord Shiva despite of being God was praying to the Sun.I wondered the reason behind this and then I got my answer

Seeing the rising Sun opens up all the chakras which are energy your logical mind drifting away then let me give an example
If an individual is kept in the darkness and given enough food water will he get depressed? quite likely ...
We are nothing but energy when we look at the morning Sun..the energy enters through our eyes and opens our chakras making us feel peaceful... .that is the reason in surya namaskar is highly recommended since ages in India..
P.S Chakras are energy wheels in our body.

Lots of Angelic love and Abundance
Sheetal Mhatre
Certified Angel Therapist