Saturday, 4 October 2014

Prayer for Increasing faith in divine

Prayer for Increasing faith in divine

Dear God Goddess Archangel Chamuel and my guardian angels please help me to strengthen my faith in the divine.

Archangel Jophiel beautify my thoughts when am feeling low.

Archangel Uriel with your Divine light brighten my faith in the divine.

Archangel Michael cut all the cords of negativity lower energies and psychic attacks that are draining my faith in the divine.
Archangel Azrael counsel away any grief that is obstructing me for believing in divine

Archangel Chamuel please help me to recieve and give love to  the divine unconditionally.

Dear almighty thank you for helping me to experience divine miracles now and forever

This or better
Thank you Thank you Thank you

Lots of Angelic love and Abundance
Sheetal Mhatre

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