Friday 28 March 2014

Angels are with you

One day I was very tensed about my career.I was at my desk at work wondering where my career is going.
In order to distract myself I went to change the candle in the difuser, we used to put the difuser to spread fragrance in our department. When I removed the candle I saw some wax deposit so I moved the difuser and to my surprise I saw the wax deposit in the shape of Angel wings.
I had tears in my the angels had given me a sign to let go of my worries ...regarding my career as they were with me.
I thanked them and was grateful to receive a sign from them.I took a picture of the angel wings.
Whenever am worried or depressed I just look at the picture of the angel wings to remind myself that my angels are with me in my journey on this earth.
I am attaching this picture for you lovely souls to see
Lots of love
Angel whisper 6

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Romance Angels oracle deck by doreen virtue


Love is a feeling which we all have experienced.

We have all gone through the journey of heart break ,finding true love or are in the process of exploring...In this journey I was lucky to have  an access to an expert love counsellor whom I constantly approached with questions like

When will I find love?
Is he the one?

This expert love counsellor was My Romance angels oracle cards from Doreen virtue .This is a great oracle card deck.You can refer them to find answers to your questions regarding your love life.

In my case I found them extremely accurate. Once I had done a reading for my friend it had come negative but I didn't have the courage to tell her the card reading and somewhere I thought what if I am wrong ....later on I came to know that.. just 10 days before the wedding the groom called off the marriage.

In my case I had gone to an Angel Reader and when she used the romance angel card deck I was so excited to hear the readinh ...She said that I will meet the guy of my dreams and will get married to him soon and thats what happened am happily married to my love.

So I recommend Romance Angel deck from doreen virtue to all you lovely readers who are on their beautiful journey of finding their soulmate

Lots of love
Angel whisper 6

Monday 24 March 2014

Positivity the secret of all happy and successful people

Be Positive Be optimistic
"Ya right try living my life and then say be positive and the optimistc crap"...
Do you at times catch yourself saying the above lines in trying times...well we all go through this phase no matter how hard we try to be positive it just becomes difficult to keep ourselves positive...
So how do we shift from negative frame of mind to SUPER positive frame of mind ...this is what I Do
1) Cut the cords
I pray to Archangel Michael to cut all the negative cords from my mind body and soul.I ask him to protect me from all kinds of negativity and lower energies.
Simply say Divine cut whenever a negative thought comes in your mind.
2) Beautify my thoughts
Archangel Jophiel is the angel of beauty I just pray
Archangel Jophiel  beautify my thoughts and help me to see the beauty around me.
3) I think of all my achievements and compliment myself
Being positive is a choice .
If you say how does being positive help ..its not making my life any better ......then my question to you is...How is being negative helping you out it making your life any better?...Definitely not
...Then be positive and do a favour on your health ...
Being positive is the secret to all doors of wealth , love, beauty and health.
I have attached a pic of smiling fish...see even the fish is positive. ..
Lots of love 
Sheetal Mhatre
Angel whisper

Sunday 23 March 2014

Archangel Chamuel

Lost wallet..
Not able to find that dress which you had bought last christmas...
Wondering where the car keys are...

Well we all go through this situation wherein we loose small things, big things what do we do ...well ofcourse we search for it....but wait a minute what if you had your own detective who would search all your lost things ...presenting Archangel Chamuel.

Archangel Chamuel is the angel who I always pray to whenever I need to find anything that am not able to trace & he always helps me by either giving a silent message through my inner voice or some one just gives me information about the thing that i was looking for.

Once my friend was looking for a important document & was not able to find it , I suggested her to pray to Archangel Chamuel. She being quite practical just brushed off my suggestion.After a week I got a call from her and she was shouting with excitement at the top of her voice telling me how after 4 days of frantic search she had almost given up & as a last resort prayed to Archangel Chamuel, after a nap when she got up she felt like checking her kids cupboard for some reason and tadaaaa there was her document lying there.

Archangel Chamuel also helps in finding a new job,partner

Prayer for lost object

Dear God and Archangel Chamuel Please help me  find my ________  .Thanks for finding my ______

Prayer for Soulmate

Dear God and Archangel Chamuel help me find my soulmate with whom I can have a happy succesful and loving married life.

Prayer for new job

Dear God and Archangel Chamuel help me to find a new job where I will be extremely happy in terms of income, work life balance,job profile,organisation,designation,colleagues.Thank You.

I always  thank at the end as if my prayer has already been granted.It helps if you are more specific in the prayer & say this or better at the end of the prayer so that whatever is good for you is granted by the angels & God

Yes there have been times when I have not been able to trace the thing despite of my prayers but that has been very rare & in such instances i have let go of that object with the thought process that somebody else needed it more than me or that particular object's purpose in my life was complete.

In short anything that you need to find ask Archangel Chamuel ...if you get it its YeYeYe Yippeeee moment & if you don't despite of repeated efforts & prayers perhaps just let go.

Happy Praying...If you like my blog please leave a comment

Sheetal Mhatre