Tuesday 23 September 2014

Meditation for resolution of conflict

Fights Conflict can be extremely draining for all the parties involved in the conflict so how do we resolve it.The meditation is for resolution of conflict and should be done while going to bed.

The person who has been involved in conflict lets call him /her as O

Close your eyes
Imagine beautiful white light coming from the sky

From this beautiful light imagine millions of Angels flying towards you and O

As they come near you they have gathered around you and O.They are smiling at you and sending you divine light from their hands.

The light is making you feel warm and calm.

Archangel Michael comes forward and cuts all the cords from you and O.He is vaccuming away all the negativity from you and O.

Archangel Michael  from your and O's crown with his hands is removing all the wiggly small negative energy that your thoughts have created and giving it to heaven .

He then puts shiny golden particles that are uplifting divine thoughts in your crown chakra. All the Angels cover you and O with Golden light.

Archangel Raguel infuses lots of energy of  harmony between you and O

Archangel Raphael infuses energy of healing between you and O

Archangel Chamuel infuses energy of love between you and O

Archangel Jophiel infuses energy of beauty between you and O.

Archangel Michael covers you and O with his purple light to protect you from all kinds of negativity,lower energies and psychic attacks.

Thank you God and Angels

You can also read the conflict resolution prayer that I have shared in my previous post.

Lots of Angelic love and Abundance
Sheetal Mhatre

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