Message for the week
Are you bored of your job?
Do you hate going to work?
You feel your job is not paying enough?
Well this weekly reading is for you then,there are many people who feel stuck in their jobs
So this steps will definitely help
Express Gratitude-: All said and done your job is paying your bills so be grateful and shift your vibration to a positive one and this will also break the patterns.
Part time work-:If you feel you are meant to do something else start it part time and at a small scale if you feel you are meant to be a writer start a blog write on fb.
Create an opportunity-: I see many people desperate to change jobs and when i ask them how many jobs they have applied for i get the answer 2 or 3...well then what are the that friend or ex colleague send your cv dont wait for a consultant to call you.Be aggressive about applying for jobs and create an opportunity.
Let go and Let God-: After continuing with the actions pray pray and pray and visualise and give your worries and concerns to God.
The message for this week is from life purpose deck of Doreen Virtue that explore your career options.
Lots of Angelic love and Abundance
Sheetal Mhatre